Kamis, 07 Juli 2011

How to Write Problem Statement Hot News June 2011

    In this step, we look for problem as many as possible. This problem statement is based on primer problem on background problem. The problems which be told in this section are stated in short and simple question sentences

    Problem statement is provided shortly in term of question sentence, whose content shows the problem which need to be solved and answered. Problem statement is the core of research, so that it can be used to consider the arranging of title and hypothesis.

    Problem limitation has very close relation with problem statement. Not all problems can be researched. The restrictiveness of student enables the identified problem cannot be researched all. If you have restrictiveness on time, thought, data and expense, so limit your research problem. It can make you able to speak a lot on that limitation. Another benefit of limiting research problem is that your explanation will be very clear so it will not be difficult to defend it in front of examiner.

Before deciding problems, researcher has to pay attention these things:
·    Problems must be manageable. Don’t research problems which are out of our ability.
·    Problems must be obtainable, easy to find the data and be analyzed.
·    Problems must be significance, important.
·    Problems must be interesting for researcher and other people.

Stating problem is divided into 4:
§    Descriptive problem is problem which doesn’t compare and connect with other variable, only describe the variable. E.g: bagaimana sikap masyarakat terhadap KB mandiri.

§    Associative problem is problem which connects between two variables or more.
Based on the connection, it consists of 3 kinds:

§    Symmetrical connection
The relation between two variables or more which conduct togetherness.
E. g: adakah hubungan antara banyaknya semut di pohon  dengan tingkat manisnya buah.

§    Cause-effect connection
e.g: adakah pengaruh motivasi belajar dan prestasi belajar.

§    Interactive connection
The relation between variable which influence each other.
e. g: adakah hubungan kepandaian dan kekayaan.

§    Comparative problem
 Connection between two variables or more which influence each other. E.g: adakah perbedaaan prestasi belajar antara anak petani dan pegewai negeri

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