Kamis, 09 Juni 2011

Characteristics of Slang Language

Some of slang expressions are acceptable and the others are a rude and impolite. Words or phrases may be considered as slang if they fulfill one or more these characteristics (Slang of Duke.http://www.epinions.com):
1. Creative
Slang is created from a new term, so it needs the creativity of the creator. The creator is encouraged to produce new terms, which are imaginative, innovative, productive, even shocking, and amusing. The example of teenagers’ creativity is creating slang terms from the existing words. In this case, teenagers still use the original words, but acquire a new meaning, which is different from its original meaning. Some of them is constructed from the kind of colors, animals, and numbers,
2. Flippant
It means, slang produced has irrelevant meaning with the context. That makes this term considered as a rude, for instance, fucking chicken, bitch, motherfucker, and shit.

3. Fresh
It refers to slang expressions that are produced by new words, which are different from the existing word. For example, homie means close friend, walkie-talkie means a portable two-way radio, and moola means money
4. Onomatopoeic
Slang produced by imitating certain sounds. For example, boo hoo, buzz, icky, yucky, dweeb, etc. boo hoo uses to express sadness. It is adapted from a sound of crying.
5. Short lived
Burke (2002) wrote “years ago, criminal classes produced the word let’s scram when the police came. For the first time, the police did not know if it meant let’s leave. That language was never used anymore by criminal classes when the police had already known the meaning. They change the word into let’s amscray for let’s leave. After having already been known by the police, they changed it again” (p. 77). That indicates that slang they used is short live. It is only used when everybody do not know the meaning. After having already been known, that language is not used anymore. Whereas according to Dumass and Lighter (2006), there are four characteristics of slang. Firstly, it is lower in prestige than standard English. Secondly, it appears in a certain community with low status, little power and responsibility. Thirdly, it is often taboo and unlikely to be used by people of high status. Fourthly, it tends to displace conventional terms (p.1).

1 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...

Hi, would you mind telling me the source of this article, please?