Kamis, 09 Juni 2011

Slang; Why Do The People Use Slang?

The Reason for Using Slang
There are several reasons for using slang as what Mulyana (2001) stated: First, it is used as secret expressions. In this case, slang is used in the certain society, such as drug addicts, sexual deviants, or criminalclasses. They need a secret language to speak with their community freely without being known by other community. Second, it is used by the minority to against the majority. They use slang because they realize that they are a minority. If they speak something about the majority using the language that they understood, it will be dangerous for the minority. Third, it is to show the identity. People use slang to show that they come from a certain society, school, profession, or social class (p. 280).
Slang is used for many purposes, but generally, it is used to express a certain emotional attitude since most of slang words or phrases are used for derogatory, disparaging, and critical. Besides, slang is used to freshen the language, to vitalize, to make the language, sharper,” hotter,” more pungent and picturesque. It is also used to increase the store of terse and striking words, or to provide new vocabularies. When it is used in the spoken level, slang may be used unconsciously and naturally produced. Nevertheless, according to Maurer (2003), for the writer, the use of slang is consciously and carefully chosen to achieve a specific effect (p.7).
According to Patridge (1978) there are several reasons for using slang: 1. in exuberance of the spirit and the sheer joy of living or the exhilaration of the moment, 2. Either as conscious exercise or as a wholly or mainly spontaneous expression of ingenuity, of wit and humor, 3. to show, perhaps to prove that one is different to be novel, 4. to be picturesque, either positively or creatively, or as in the natural desire to avoid insipidity and negatively, 5. To achieve an arresting, even a startling rather shocking effect, 6. to escape from clichés (an intention usually arising from impatience with existing words and phrases), 7. to be brief, terse, and concise, 8. to enrich the language, 9. to invest the abstract with concreteness, the idealistic with realism, and earthiness, 10. To mitigate or to render unmistakable a refusal or rejection, 11. to reduce or to dispel the solemnity or pomposity of a conversation, conference, essay, or article, 12. To alleviate the starkness and soften the tragedy of death or madness, 13. to entertain and amuse a superior public, to speak down, or to write down, 14. For ease of social intercourse (a motive not to be confused, much less to be merged), 15. To induce or to promote a deep listing friendliness or intimacy, 16. to intimate and to prove that one belong to certain school or university, trade or profession, social class, literary or musical set, 17. Conversely, to be intimate that someone else does not “belong”, 18. to avoid being understood by one’s companion, 19. To mask the ugliness of rank ingratitude of treachery and thus enable both speaker and hearer to endure the pain (p.16).

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