Kamis, 28 April 2011

Genres in Argumenatative Essay and Some Pedagogical Implications (Summary of RELC Journal)

    After reading this journal for several times, I can summarize that there are three points briefly explained here. Those are the structure of a familiar and important genre, the argumentative essay, and some other pedagogical implications.
a.    Schemata and Genre Analysis
    To improve our teaching of writing, it can use knowledge of text organization. The research in cognitive psychology has found a familiar stereotypical pattern called schemata. ‘Formal schemata’ represents knowledge about text types. Since the range of texts a reader can participate in based on how many formal schemata applied, there is an important part for the teachers to introduce the students about the schemata associated with genres (particular varieties of writing). In genre system of analysis, texts are distinguished based on their oriented aim and examined to determine how they are structured to reach particular ends. This covers how the writer typically organizes information or idea in a context of a specific text type.
b.    The Argumentative Essay
    This text is characterized by three stage structure representing the organizations of the genre. The first is the thesis Stage that introduces the discourse topic and advances the writer’s proposition or central statement. Then the second level is the Argument Stage that presents the infrastructure of reasons characterizing the genre. The last stage is the conclusion that is to consolidate the discourse and affirm what is communicated.
c.    Some Other Pedagogical Implications   
    The contribution of a language to examine language is therefore of primary pedagogical importance, allowing a greater and more effective degree of teacher intervention which is to make students aware of how language works in the context of the argumentative essay. Therefore, this description of the argumentative essay is beneficial in numerous ways.
    Genres are culturally formulated activities and represent how language is commonly applied to achieve particular goals in our society. Effective argument is as much a matter of organization as content. In other word, to argue is to express ideas in these particular ways.

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