Sabtu, 23 April 2011

The Advantages in Consolidating Student Loan

Is it exhausting to see your endless interest in repaying the student loan? Are you getting scared of the cash flow problems that you have tried to avoid behind your student debts?  I understood well. There is no need to worry because you now can have a student loan consolidation to solve your financial problem.

What is Student Loan Consolidation?
Student loan consolidation simply means consolidating all your student loans into a single loan with a monthly payment plan. Effectively, all your previous student loans are written off and a new student loan is created which you have to pay off monthly.

The Advantages of  Student Loan Consolidation

There are 5 advantages in consolidating the student loan:

1. Lessen monthly payments
In place of paying several loans every month, you are merely supposed to pay off one single loan by doing the loan consolidation. as a consequence, it can lessen your monthly payment.

2. Pay just one loan monthly
It is a lot easier if you have to manage only one student loan instead of several student loans with different payment deadlines. Also, sometimes with many student loans, you may ended up forgetting to pay one student loan.

3. Low, fixed interest rate
By consolidating your student loans, you will be able to take advantages of low, fixed interest rates. Currently, by law, student loan consolidation rates cannot exceed 8.25%. Furthermore, national interest rates are at a 40-year low therefore this is a good time to get one.

4. No credit card check or processing fees
No credit card check is required during the application of a student loan consolidation. The payment plans and terms are usually quite flexible in that they can customize it according to your financial standing.

5. Make monthly student loan payment electronically
As it is not a compulsory to pay by machine, most lenders will take 0.25% off your student loan rates when you pay electronically. Furthermore, your bank account may be safe from being late in repaying the loan by applying direct debit.

Occasionally, the qualification of the application to process this student loan consolidation is a bit baffling. The authorized stand from the government is that only those going on their grace period or studying in the school can conduct the student loan consolidation.

The student loan consolidation from the government these days are much viable instead of the private sector. As a result, going for student loan consolidation is strongly recommended. Since student loan consolidation contain a lot of advantages, it is pretty clear that to save money in the long term is to get one.

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