Sabtu, 24 November 2012

Checklist Reading Assessment Strategies


A checklist is a tool for identifying the presence or absence of conceptual knowledge, skills, or behaviours. Checklists are used for identifying whether key tasks in a procedure, process, or activity have been completed. The tasks may be a sequence of steps or include items to verify that the correct sequence was followed. You may need to observe the tasks being followed because, in general, you cannot judge what tasks the learner did from the end product. Remember that some attitudes may be indirectly observed. For example, safety attitudes can be observed by seeing if safety equipment is worn. A checklist may also be given to students to follow in completing a procedure (e.g., in a shop or lab). A checklist itemizes task descriptions in one column and provides a space beside each item in a second column to check off the completion of the task.

Characteristics of checklists

Checklists should:
        have criteria for success based on expected outcomes
        be short enough to be practical (e.g., one sheet of paper)
        have tasks chunked into logical sections or flow from start to finish
        highlight critical tasks
    have sign-off points that prevent students from proceeding without approval, if needed
        be written with clear, detailed wording to minimize the risk of misinterpretation
        have space for other information such as the student’s name, date, course, examiner, and overall result
        be reviewed by other instructors

Advantages of Using Checklists

        Easy to use and update
        Require little training
        Available whenever evaluation is needed
        Flexible and can be used with a variety of assessment strategies
        Behaviors can be recorded frequently

Disadvantages of Using Checklists

 Teachers find it difficult to adapt teaching and evaluation behaviors to include checklists
  If there are too many checklists, the teacher can be overwhelmed with assessment and record keeping
  Teachers may not consider assessments with checklists as valid measures. Checklists do not indicate how well a child performs

That's all our information today that shares about checklist as one of the strategies in assessing reading skill of students. Thank you.

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