Sabtu, 14 Mei 2011

Language Planning

Based on the Weinstein idea, language planning is a government authorized long-term, sustained, and conscious effort to alter a language function in a society for the purpose of solving communications problems. Language planning has become a part of nation-building since a noticeable trend in the world is to make language and nations synonymous.
Some basic issues
Language planning is an effort to interfere deliberately about the status or the internal conditions of a language or one of the varieties. The first focus results in status planning and the second focus is the corpus planning. Status planning changes the status of language of variety and the rights of the language users while the corpus planning seeks to develop a variety of a language or a language, to standardize it or to provide it with the means for serving every possible language in society. As a result of planning decisions, a language may be recognized a sole official language,
Two other issues that appear are important to discuss. The first is about the language rights of immigrants to a country should have an era widespread immigrations motivated by a variety of concerns but often equates the nationhood or statehood with a language or ethnicity. The second issue concerns about how to identify the right kinds of data that must go into planning decisions while the information that comes is not always reliable.

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