Kamis, 26 Mei 2011

Implicature analysis from the Dialog of 'Bahwa Cinta Itu Ada' The Movie (2010)

The dialogue
Fuad lalu berdehem sambil melihat ke arah laki-laki berbaju resmi ala kantor yang berdiri tak jauh dari kerumunan mereka. Si laki-laki yang lagi diam saja baru paham maksud Si Fuad setelah didehem tiga kali. Si laki-laki itu bernama Slamet.

Slamet    : “Ssss,, saya Slamet, Slamet Hartono dari Trenggale.” (Ia menunjukkan a clumsy expression in his introduction)

Fuad            : “Wuiiihh, Keturunane Empu Sendhok iki, ” (Fuad tertawa)

Poltak menimpali    : “Antik!?.” (Sambil tertawa juga)

Slamet hanya diam saja melihat tingkah mereka. Saat itu Slamet mengantri sambil membawa dua kardus berlapis koran yang ditali dengan raffia.

Gunar            : “Mau daftar atau mau transmigasi neh??, hey, hey, hehehe. . .”

Yang lainnya pun tertawa.

Fuad            : “Wuiiihh, Keturunane Empu Sendhok iki, ” (Fuad tertawa)

In this part, through the prologue we know that the utterance produced by Fuad is the “ehem…(1)” This  particularized conversational implicature fulfilled the maxims of quantity. Eventhough there is no need to produce any linguistics features, he succeeded to deliver the message maximally through his  only utterance (1). It can be seen from the response of Slamet which goes like in (2). Here, flouting maxims happened when the (1) was produced. It breaks the maxim of manner and quality. It is ambiguous since it can be interpreted that the producer has a sorethroat or a kind of cough. Also, it is not true that the information is to be delivered is not the “ehem” itself. He wanted to deliver other while saying it.

Slamet    : “Ssss,, saya Slamet, Slamet Hartono dari Trenggalek.” (He shows clumsy expression in his introduction) (2)

On the other side, Slamet understand what he should do as Fuad produced that kind of utterance.  His utterance (2) as the response above is a generalized conversational implicature. It also fulfilled the maxims of quantity, because it provides the information that is required, not more than it, just the name and where he comes from. Maxim of quality is also fulfilled as there is no indication that the information he shared was not true. Though between the first utterance and the second appears not to relevant, but it is. The real meaning of (1) can be interpreted as “sekarang giliranmu untuk memperkenalkan diri.” It must be relevant to (2). The meaning of (2) is not ambiguous at all. It is clear that he told only his name and where he is from. In conclusion, there are no flouting maxims because all the four maxims are fulfilled.

In this case, instead of being responded by the girl, Slamet’s introduction is responded by Fuad by saying
Fuad            : “Wuiiihh, Keturunane Empu Sendhok iki, ” (Fuad tertawa). (3)

This utterance has an implied meaning, because to know and understand what Fuad means, the other should have a knowledge background about what Empu Sendhok is and why he uttered it. Nevertheless, for Fuad’s comment, Poltak has his own opinion which is said

Poltak            : “Antik!?” (4)

As an addition, they are then laughing out loudly. This may have an implicit meaning because the word Antik must be connotative and interpreted differently from the real meaning. In that situation, Slamet doesn’t respond his new friend’s joke, he prefer to be silent. Since Slamet brings some boxes while finishing the registration, Gunar makes another joke for him;

Gunar            :mau daftar atau transmigrasi neh? ?, hey, hey, hehehe… (5)

Moreover, to understand these three utterances, it needs to know the context, so this is a particularized conversational implicature. These all utterances in part 3 except the (5) fulfilled the maxim of relevance. It is because what happened before, within, and after the utterances being said is linked each other. It is relevant between one and another; (4) is produced in order to respond the (3), while the (3) occurs to respond (2) which is produced because of the existence of (1). The (5) caused the flouting maxims, because of breaking the maxim of relevance. It is not to respond or related to the previous utterances. It is produced soon after the producer, -Gunar saw Slamet bringing boxes to the campus.

(3), (4), and (5) have implied meanings; implied something else than what is produced. The flouting maxims also occurred in these utterances. They break the maxims of quality which emphasize that the information to deliver must be true. Meanwhile, all of them are like the Irony. To know that they contain irony is that the consumer has to deeply understand and engaged in the conversation. Irony itself means that what is said is not what is meant.

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