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Kamis, 07 Juli 2011

How to Write Problem Statement Hot News June 2011

    In this step, we look for problem as many as possible. This problem statement is based on primer problem on background problem. The problems which be told in this section are stated in short and simple question sentences

    Problem statement is provided shortly in term of question sentence, whose content shows the problem which need to be solved and answered. Problem statement is the core of research, so that it can be used to consider the arranging of title and hypothesis.

    Problem limitation has very close relation with problem statement. Not all problems can be researched. The restrictiveness of student enables the identified problem cannot be researched all. If you have restrictiveness on time, thought, data and expense, so limit your research problem. It can make you able to speak a lot on that limitation. Another benefit of limiting research problem is that your explanation will be very clear so it will not be difficult to defend it in front of examiner.

Before deciding problems, researcher has to pay attention these things:
·    Problems must be manageable. Don’t research problems which are out of our ability.
·    Problems must be obtainable, easy to find the data and be analyzed.
·    Problems must be significance, important.
·    Problems must be interesting for researcher and other people.

Stating problem is divided into 4:
§    Descriptive problem is problem which doesn’t compare and connect with other variable, only describe the variable. E.g: bagaimana sikap masyarakat terhadap KB mandiri.

§    Associative problem is problem which connects between two variables or more.
Based on the connection, it consists of 3 kinds:

§    Symmetrical connection
The relation between two variables or more which conduct togetherness.
E. g: adakah hubungan antara banyaknya semut di pohon  dengan tingkat manisnya buah.

§    Cause-effect connection
e.g: adakah pengaruh motivasi belajar dan prestasi belajar.

§    Interactive connection
The relation between variable which influence each other.
e. g: adakah hubungan kepandaian dan kekayaan.

§    Comparative problem
 Connection between two variables or more which influence each other. E.g: adakah perbedaaan prestasi belajar antara anak petani dan pegewai negeri

Sabtu, 28 Mei 2011

Reduce Your Prostate Cancer Risk With Coffee

Drinking a coffee has been an inseparable lifestyle for the people in this era. it recognizes a lot of various taste in coffee. Those are from moccacino, chapuccino, latte, even a tradtional taste like Tubruk Coffee which is popular in Indonesia or a very expensive one, Kopi Luwak (Luwak Coffee). Some people are even willing to go overseas to study about coffee, to discover the new taste for a coffee.

Drinking coffee is not merely to relieve your sleepy feeling or to strengthen the spirit for your daily activties. This beverage is able to reduce the risk of prostate cancer. People who drink more than six cups of coffee in a day will have 20 percent less possible to suffer that serious disease. The risk is lower than 60 percent for the people to suffer other type of cancer.

      The study invites 48 thousand men who work in the field of health to participate in the research. They were asked to report their average consumption for drinking coffee in a day from 1986 to 2006.

      There is no differences found between the effects of caffeinated coffee and non caffeinated coffee. Thus, it is possible to coffee consists of compounds that can protect the body from prostate cancer. However, Helen Rippon, a doctor from The Prostate Cancer Charity, would not recommend their patients to drink coffee. Excessive consumption can make the symptoms of benign prostatic even worse, "he said. The early symptoms of prostate disease is usually difficult in the process of urination.

Kamis, 19 Mei 2011

12 Lagu Anak-anak Yang Menyesatkan !

Di waktu sekarang, lagu anak anak tidaklah setenar jaman semuda saya dulu. Waktu kecil, beberapa channel di TV bahkan menyediakan acara khusus yang memutarkan lagu lagu anak contohnya acara Tralala Trilili, Dunia Anak, dll. ada beberapa lagu populer sepanjang masa kaya' Balonku dan Bintang Kecil yang seakan sudah wajib diajarkan ke anak-anak.  Ternyata di antara lagu anak-anak yang populer tersebut, ada yang banyak mengandung kesalahan, mengajarkan kerancuan, dan menurunkan motivasi. 
Berikut buktinya:

1. “Balonku ada 5… rupa-rupa warnanya… merah, kuning, kelabu.. merah muda dan biru… meletus balon hijau, dorrrr!!!” Perhatikan warna-warna kelima balon tsb., kenapa tiba2 muncul warna hijau ? Jadi jumlah balon sebenarnya ada 6, bukan 5!

2. “Aku seorang kapiten… mempunyai pedang panjang… kalo berjalan prok..prok.. prok… aku seorang kapiten!” Perhatikan di bait pertama dia cerita tentang pedangnya, tapi di bait kedua dia cerita tentang sepatunya (inkonsistensi) . Harusnya dia tetap konsisten, misal jika ingin cerita tentang sepatunya seharusnya dia bernyanyi : “mempunyai sepatu baja (bukan pedang panjang)… kalo berjalan prok..prok.. prok..” nah, itu baru klop! jika ingin cerita tentang pedangnya, harusnya dia bernyanyi : “mempunyai pedang panjang… kalo berjalan ndul..gondal. .gandul.. atau srek.. srek.. srek..” itu baru sesuai dg kondisi pedang panjangnya!

3. “Bangun tidur ku terus mandi.. tidak lupa menggosok gigi.. habis mandi ku tolong ibu.. membersihkan tempat tidurku..” Perhatikan setelah habis mandi langsung membersihkan tempat tidur. Lagu ini membuat anak-anak tidak bisa terprogram secara baik dalam menyelesaikan tugasnya dan selalu terburu-buru. Sehabis mandi seharusnya si anak pakai baju dulu dan tidak langsung membersihkan tempat tidur dalam kondisi basah dan telanjang!

4. “Naik-naik ke puncak gunung.. tinggi.. tinggi sekali.. kiri kanan kulihat saja.. banyak pohon cemara.. 2X” Lagu ini dapat membuat anak kecil kehilangan konsentrasi, semangat dan motivasi! Pada awal lagu terkesan semangat akan mendaki gunung yang tinggi tetapi kemudian ternyata setelah melihat jalanan yg tajam mendaki lalu jadi bingung dan gak tau mau ngapain, bisanya cuma noleh ke kiri ke kanan aja, gak maju2!

5. “Naik kereta api tut..tut..tut. . siapa hendak turut ke Bandung .. Surabaya .. bolehlah naik dengan naik percuma.. ayo kawanku lekas naik.. keretaku tak berhenti lama” Nah, yg begini ini yg parah! mengajarkan anak-anak kalo sudah dewasa maunya gratis melulu. Pantesan PJKA rugi terus! terutama jalur Jakarta- Bandung dan Jakarta-Surabaya!

6. “Di pucuk pohon cempaka.. burung kutilang berbunyi.. bersiul2 sepanjang hari dg tak jemu2.. mengangguk2 sambil bernyanyi tri li li..li..li.. li..li..” Ini juga menyesatkan dan tidak mengajarkan kepada anak2 akan realita yg sebenarnya. Burung kutilang itu kalo nyanyi bunyinya cuit..cuit.. cuit..! kalo tri li li li li itu bunyi kalo yang nyanyi orang, bukan burung!

7. “Pok ame ame.. belalang kupu2.. siang makan nasi, kalo malam minum susu..”
Ini jelas lagu dewasa dan untuk konsumsi anak2! karena yg disebutkan di atas itu adalah kegiatan orang dewasa, bukan anak kecil. Kalo anak kecil, karena belom boleh maem nasi, jadi gak pagi gak malem ya minum susu!

8. “nina bobo oh nina bobo kalau tidak bobo digigit nyamuk”
Anak2 indonesia diajak tidur dgn lagu yg “mengancam”

9. “Bintang kecil dilangit yg biru…”
Bintang khan adanya malem, lah kalo malem bukannya langit item?

10. “Ibu kita Kartini…harum namanya.”
Namanya Kartini atau Harum?

11. “Pada hari minggu ku turut ayah ke kota. naik delman istimewa kududuk di muka.”
Nah,gak sopan khan..

12. “Cangkul-cangkul, cangkul yang dalam, menanam jagung dikebun kita…”
kalo mau nanam jagung, ngapain nyangkul dalam-dalam.

retrieved from 

Rabu, 04 Mei 2011

Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Pengelolaan Kelas

Dalam pengertian yang kedua ini, maka ada beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi perwujudan pengelolaan kelas yaitu :

a. Kurikulum
Kurikulum kaitannya dengan pengelolaan kelas seperti pengertian diatas haruslah di rancang sebagai jumlah pengalaman edukatif yang menjadi tanggung jawab sekolah dalam membantu anak-anak mencapai tujuan pendidikannya, yang diselenggarakan secara berencana dan terarah serta terorganisir, karena kegiatan kelas bukan sekedar dipusatkan pada penyampaian sejumlah materi pelajaran atau pengetahuan yang bersifat intelektualistik, akan tetapi juga memperhatikan aspek pembentukan pribadi, baik sebagai makhluk individual dan makhluk social maupun sebagai makhluk yang bermoral.

Pada sekolah madrasah Ibtida’iyah, kurikulum pada tingkat MI harus dirancangkan untuk untuk memungkinkan diselenggarakannya kegiatan kelas dalam memenuhi kebutuhan melakukan eksplorasi dan ekspenmentasi guna memeberikan pangalaman intelektual dan social yang terpadu dalam rangka realisasi diri. Oleh karena itu disamping aspek materi pengetahuan diperlukan program kelas untuk memenuhi perbedaan minat bakat dan kemampuan murid. Program tersebut dapat dilakukan melalui aspek-aspek kependidikan dibidang kesenian termasuk kesejahteraan keluarga, tekhnik, olahraga, kepramukaan dan kesehatan pada kelas-kelas terakhir sekolah menengah tingkat atas programnya harus dirancangkan untuk membantu anak-anak mewujudkan diri dalam memasuki masyarakat sebagai orang dewasa. Program itu antara lain harus diarahkan untuk memeberikan keterampilan tertentu guna memasuki lapangan kerja tingkat menengah atas disamping program untuk memeprsiapkan para remaja agar menjadi warga Negara yang memahami dan mampu menjalankan hak dan kewajibannya.

b. Gedung dan Sarana Kelas / Sekolah
Perencanaan dalam membangun sebuah gedung untuk sebuah sekolah berkenaan dengan jumlah dan luas setiap ruangan, letak dan dekorasinya yang harus disesuaikan dengan kurikulum yang dipergunakan. Akan tetapi karena kurikulum selalu dapat beruabh. Sedang ruangan atau gedung bersifat permanen, maka diperlukan kreativitas dalam mengatur pendayagunaan ruang / gedung yang bersedia berdasarkan kurikulum yang dipergunakan. Dalam konteks ini kepandaian guru dalam pengelolaan kelas sangat dibutuhkan.

c. Guru
Hadari Nawawi menyatakan guru adalah orang yang bekerja dalam bidang pendidikan dan pengajaran yang bertanggung jawab dalam memebnatu anak dalam mencapai kedewasaan masing-masing. Guru dalam pengertian tersebut bukan sekedar berdiri didepan kelas untuk menyampaikan materi atau pengetahuan tertentu, akan tetapi dalam keanggotaan masyarakat yang harus aktif dan berjiwa bebas serta kreatif dalam mengarahkan perkembangan anak didiknya untuk menjadi anggota masyarakat sebagai orang dewasa.
d. Murid
Murid sebagai unsur kelas memiliki perasaan kebersamaan (Sense Of kolektive) merupakan kondisi yang sangat penting artinya bagi terciptanya kelas yang dinamis. Oleh karena , setiap murid harus memiliki perasaan diterima (Sense of membershif) terhadap kelasnya agar mampu ikut serta dalam kegiatan kelas. Perasaan inilah yang akan menumbuhkan rasa tanggung jawab (Sense of respsibility) terhadap kelasnya.

e. Diamika kelas
Kelas adalah kelompok sosial yang dinamis yang harus dipergunakan oleh setiap wali atau guru kelas untuk kepentingan murid dalam proses kependidikannya. Dinamika kelas pada dasarnya berarti kondisi kelas yang diliputi dorongan untuk aktif secara terarah yang dikembangkan melalui kretifitas dan inisiatif murid sebagai suatu kelompok, untuk itu setiap wali atau guru kelas harus berusaha menyalurkan berbagai saran, pendapat, gagasan, keterampilan, potensi dan energi yang dimiliki murid menjadi kegiatan-kegiatan yang berguna. Dengan demikian kelas tidak akan berlangsung secara statis, rutin dan membosankan.

Selasa, 03 Mei 2011

EYL; Characteristics of Young Learner

     The art of teaching is essentially an art to evoke the natural curiosity of young minds (Anatole France, 20th century).

Young Learners (YLs) refer to children from the ages of four to twelve. Increasingly, though, children as young as three are being formally introduced to English as a foreign language. According to Sarah Phillips (1993), young learners are children from the first year of formal schooling (five or six years old) to eleven or twelve years of age. However, as any children's teacher will know, it is not so much the children's age that counts in the classroom as how mature they are. There are many factors that influence children's maturity: for example, their culture and environment (city or rural), sex, the expectations of their peers and parents.

Young children do not come to the language classroom with empty hand. They bring a well-established set of instincts, skills and characteristics which will help them to learn another language. We need to identify those and make the most of them. For example, children characteristics are curious, outspoken, active, inquisitive nature, and like to move around.
While they are skilled in:
- being very good at interpreting meaning without necessarily understanding the      individual words;
- having great ability in using limited language creatively;
- frequently learning indirectly rather than directly;
- taking great pleasure in finding and creating fun in which they do;
- creating  a ready imagination.

Senin, 02 Mei 2011

Language; Discourse and Text


Originally the word 'discourse' comes from Latin 'discursus' which denoted 'conversation, speech'. According to some linguist, they have illustrated by the following definition: Discourse is a continuous stretch of (especially spoken) language larger than a sentence, often constituting a coherent unit such as a sermon, argument, joke, or narrative" (Crystal 1992:25). On the other hand Dakowska, being aware of differences between kinds of discourses indicates the unity of communicative intentions as a vital element of each of them.
There are seven criteria which have to be fulfilled to qualify either a written or a spoken text as a discourse has been suggested by Beaugrande (1981).

These include:
·    Cohesion - grammatical relationship between parts of a sentence essential for its interpretation;
·    Coherence - the order of statements relates one another by sense.
·    Intentionality - the message has to be conveyed deliberately and consciously;
·    Acceptability - indicates that the communicative product needs to be satisfactory in that the audience approves it;
·    Informativeness - some new information has to be included in the discourse;
·    Situationality - circumstances in which the remark is made are important;
·    Intertextuality - reference to the world outside the text or the interpreters' schemata;

Nowadays, however, not all of the above mentioned criteria are perceived as equally important in discourse studies, therefore some of them are valid only in certain methods of the research (Beaugrande 1981, cited in Renkema 2004:49).

3.2    Text
What is text? The answer that is often given is that a text is a sequence of sentence. This answer is clearly unsatisfactory. Text is two or more utterances that must be cohesion or connectedness one to another.

A long tradition of text linguistics that has persisted in northern Europe made some attempts about the text analysis. First, it began with attempts to account for how sentences are linked together using linguistics resources. Than, Werlich (1976) described of how linguistic features characterize strategies used in different text type (narrative, descriptive, expository and argumentative). Likewise, the prague school and it’s followers, among whom was Michael hallyday, focused on how the construction of individual construction in terms of their theme (their starting point) and rheme (what was being said about the topic) contributed to the larger pattern of information in extended texts (see fries 1983; eiler 1986; francis 1989; firbas 1992)

For example:
Werlich was enormously influential among German EFL teachers.
The explanation from the example above is that the theme (the starting point- usually the grammatical subject) is werlich, and the rheme is what is said about him (that he was enormously influential). We can repeat different number of theme over a number of sentences, and use the rheme of the one sentence in the theme of the next sentence are among the preoccupations of the prague school linguist, and they represent a major strand of functional (as defined in halliday 1997: 16) approaches to text.

    There are approaches in analyses text. First is concerning the cognitive processing of extended writing texts, and second is rethorical structure analysis.

1.    Concerning the cognitive processing of extended writing texts.
       The steps of this approaches are:
o    we need to activate a necessary scheme (or mental presentation)
o    we have to infer (if we do not know it). Since this is not stated explicitly.
o    we need to give the implicit meaning.

Senin, 25 April 2011

Smartphone Syndrome; The Negative Effect and The Health Problem

Day to day, the trend of smartphone is significantly increasing. When i read an article, there is an explanation about the risk of using the smartphone.

As many people find it tough to cope without a smartphone in hand or a tablet pc within reach a growing number of smartphone users are also complaining of neck pain and headaches.

Based on a hospital's survey, the number of young adults with neck pain has incerased up to 20-percent of total patients.over the past four years.

Because smartphones are used with a touch of a finger, it can also be hard on finger joints and wrists. Unfortunately, problems don't end just with the wrist and the neck. The excessive use of smartphones and tablet PCs is also bad for the eyes.

As the number of smartphone users continues to soar, the number of health risks are also rising. So to prevent such health problems, it's important to stretch every 10 to 20 minutes when using smartphones and tablet PCs and try to look away from the gadget every now and again to relieve stress on your body and eyes.