Minggu, 30 Juni 2013

The Good Characteristics of Statement Problem in Quantitative Research

The Good Characteristics of Statement Problem in Quantitative Research - In the basic terms of quantitative research methodology, a research should have a problem to be observed. The topic also has to be specifically determined. To make it easy in being analyzed, a problem topic is supposed to be operationally stated. Prior to the formulating of the problem, it has to be previously analyzed.
According to Fraenkel and Wallen (1990:20), there are several characteristics of good research problem. Those are:
·         -the problem has a flexibility. The statement of the problem can be easily answered based on the clear problem sources, less fund, energy and time.
·        - the statement problem has a clarity. People can have the same perception related to the problem.
·         -the statement problem has a significance.  The answer of the problem shown should be able to present a contribution to the development of sciences and problem solving in daily life.

·      -the statement problem should be ethical. It is in accordance to the moral value or religious beliefs. 

Another criterion of good research problem is also explained by Tuctman (1988: 25).
·         there is a relation between two variables or more.
·         the problem is stated in the form of question or another one but it still contains question.
·         statement problem should explain the feasibility of data collection in answering the     questions  of the research problem
·         The statement problem has a solid form.
·         Problem research is based on the fact, phenomenon or events with the theory which is not same as the practice
The theory should be relevant to the problem researched
The theory available is newest one which is appropriate to the area of the problem
·         The research tries to find the answers or an explanation why the problem happens
·         The background of information should be attached to the problem that has been provided. the background of this can be the information from everyone involved  or  the journal, statistic data and the other sources
·         The discussion of the research is aimed at the problem touched and concluded that this research should be done.
·         The variable should be defined clearly based on its status. The variable is divided in many types such as (varibel terikat, kontrol, moderator, and intervensi )
To ensure the problem statements is considerable received, here are clearly indicate why your problem is an important one by answering questions such as these:
  • Is the problem of current interest? Is it topical?
  • Is the problem likely to continue into the future?
  • Will more information about the problem have practical application?
  • Will more information about the problem have theoretical importance?
  • How large is the population affected by the problem?
  • How important, influential, or popular is this population?
  • Would this study substantially revise or extend existing knowledge?
  • Would this study create or improve an instrument of some utility?
  • Would research findings lead to some useful change in best practice?
  • Is there evidence or authoritative opinion from others to support the need for this research?
How to make problem statement
          In this step, we look for problem as many as possible. This problem statement is based on primer problem on background problem. The problems which be told in this section are stated in short and simple question sentences
          Problem statement is provided shortly in term of question sentence, whose content shows the problem which need to be solved and answered. Problem statement is the core of research, so that it can be used to consider the arranging of title and hypothesis.
          Problem limitation has very close relation with problem statement. Not all problems can be researched. The restrictiveness of student enables the identified problem cannot be researched all. If you have restrictiveness on time, thought, data and expense, so limit your research problem. It can make you able to speak a lot on that limitation. Another benefit of limiting research problem is that your explanation will be very clear so it will not be difficult to defend it in front of examiner.
Before deciding problems, researcher has to pay attention these things:
·         Problems must be manageable. Don’t research problems which are out of our ability.
·         Problems must be obtainable, easy to find the data and be analyzed.
·         Problems must be significance, important.
·         Problems must be interesting for researcher and other people.

Stating problem is divided into 4:

§  Descriptive problem is problem which doesn’t compare and connect with other variable, only describe the variable. E.g: bagaimana sikap masyarakat terhadap KB mandiri.
§  Associative problem is problem which connects between two variables or more.

Based on the connection, it consists of 3 kinds:
§  Symmetrical connection
The relation between two variables or more which conduct togetherness.
E. g: adakah hubungan antara banyaknya semut di pohon  dengan tingkat manisnya buah.
§  Cause-effect connection
e.g: adakah pengaruh motivasi belajar dan prestasi belajar.

§  Interactive connection
The relation between variable which influence each other.
e. g: adakah hubungan kepandaian dan kekayaan.
§  Comparative problem
 Connection between two variables or more which influence each other. E.g: adakah perbedaaan prestasi belajar antara anak petani dan pegewai negeri

Some aspects which influence researchers to be critic to the problem

1.    Being the expert. The researchers should have good knowledge in their field.  If the subject had been learnt deeply, however it will be in the specific skill that the researchers used to be sensitive in their field.  Example: seseorang yang spesialisasinya pada bidang pengajaran, maka ia akan peka terhadap masalah-masalah yang muncul sehubung dengan praktek penyelenggaraan pengajaran. 

2.    Academic program. The one who has been experienced in education program, definitely she/he will learn and know more about the academic field. 

3.    Literature
Reading is really involved into the knowledge of someone, and on how someone analyse deeper about the problem. Since the book would be the reference of theoritic information concepts and knowledge.

4.    An analysis of particular study. If someone afford to deepen to learn more of some fields that someone will try to know about what he or she studies. Example: menekuni berbegai aspek tingkah laku anak, maka besar kemungkinan dia akan mengetahuui seberapa banyak tentang berbagai pola dan aspek tingkah laku anak yang ditekuni.

5.    Consideration of daily necessity and activity. Analysing a field really helps someone to be secitive to choose problem by considering daily activity and necessity. Example: seseorang yang seringmemperhatikan praktek kehidupan atau kebutuhan manusia, seperti praktek penyelenggaraan pendidikan di sekolah banyak membantu dia untuk dapat melihat berbagai masalah yang dihadapi dalam bidang itu. 

Some common mistakes happening in formulating problem:

1.    Collecting the data without good planning
2.    Using collected data to search a problem which is appropriate to the data provided.
3.    Formulating the purpose which is too general, so that the conclusion will be also general.
4.    Doing research without doing literature review
5.    Doing ad-hoc research. Ad-hoc means making a problem which is too specific, therefore it will be difficult to be generalized
6.    Doing research without good basic theory to give a chance to compare the result and evaluate the conclusion.
7.    Unindentiying other hypotheses completely in formulating their own hypotheses
8.    Unawareness the weaknesses of research methodology which is used to limit the interpretation of research conclusions.

Formulating research problem is an effort to define research questions explicitly that need to be answered. This is a description of problem identification and limitation. Good formulating problem means that we have answered/done half problem. The aims of it is how the researcher centerelize and focus on what he/she thinks. This formulating problem is done descriptively, associtively, and comparatively.


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