2.2.1 Truth condition and Logical Form
The characterization of truth conditions is often said to be equivalent to equating meaning with the logical form of a sentence. In order to assess this equivalence, we must first consider what is normally meant by the term logical form.
The logical form of statement varies according to the structure of the argument. However a standard extension from the use of logical form in connection with the form of the argument is in connection with statement.
The logical form assigned to this argument
The characterization of truth conditions is often said to be equivalent to equating meaning with the logical form of a sentence. In order to assess this equivalence, we must first consider what is normally meant by the term logical form.
The logical form of statement varies according to the structure of the argument. However a standard extension from the use of logical form in connection with the form of the argument is in connection with statement.
The logical form assigned to this argument