Sabtu, 20 Agustus 2011

Rhetorical Figures In Language

A rhetorical figure is known as an artful deviation. Since antiquity dozens of figures have been catalogued, ranging from the familiar (rhyme, pun) to be obscure (antimetabole). Deviation is used here in the neutral sense of a swerve or departure a way of marking the text. A rhetorical figure provides a means for making the familiar strange. Deviation, then is a matter of creating what consumer researchers might call incongruity.

Rhetorical figures depart from the norms of language either; the application of words or the manner which ideas the expressed. This study develops a framework for classifying rhetorical figures that distinguishes between figurative and non figurative text, between two types of figures schemes and tropes, and among four rhetorical operations that underlie individual figures, they are repetition, reversal, substitution and destabilization. Scheme type occurs when a text contains excessive order or regularity, while tropic type occurs when a text contains a deficiency of order or irregularities.

From Gk techne rhetorika „art of speech‟, originally a discipline concerned with the skills of public speaking as a means of persuasion. In one sense modern stylistics can be seen as a developmental of the main branch of rhetorical study.

Rhetoric is the art of speaking or writing effectively: as the study of principles and rules of composition formulated by critics of ancient times, and the study of writing or speaking as a means of communication or persuasion. Contemporary studies of rhetoric have a more diverse range of practices and meanings than was the case in ancient times. 

While rhetoric has traditionally been though of as being involved in such arenas as politics, law, public relations, lobbying, marketing and advertising, the study of rhetoric has recently entered into diverse fields such as humanities, religion, social sciences, law, science, journalism, history, literature and even cartography and architecture.

Rhetoric is not only a method for training effective communicators (rhetors); as a discipline for advance study, it is a method for understanding on a theoretical as well as a practical level how human use language (“discourse”) to alter or shape our understanding of reality.

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